Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another small problem... Resolved!

Well, I was cutting the pipe for my frame today when I realized something. This picture pretty much sums it up.

My father keeps telling me, "No project goes without problems." Time to start listening. My two contingency plans involve either the Simplified Building Concepts guys to cancel my order, which I've already called them about it, so that I may order the right size clamps, or, buy a different sized pipe and cut the pieces again.

Speaking of cutting the pieces.

Chop saw with metal-cutting blade? No.
Hand powered hack saw? No.

Update: We talked with the guy over at Simplified Building about it and he claims the clamps will fit any pipe below 1.32 inches. My pipe's outer diameter is 1 and 5/16 inches, or 1.3125, so it should be fine.

1 comment:

TrustIFS said...

Piping dimensions always refer to ID, not OD.